I know I’ve already passed my self-setted deadline for chapter 6, and if anyone is following my site (OvO!) I must say, “Thank you and I’m sorry!” It’s been extremely hectic this month of September. A large project at work that was handled by someone else was suddenly dropped onto me and my co-worker’s lap because she left, and unfortunately the original project manager was terrible at her job. Which meant there were a lot of little pieces that I had to piece together with my co-workers. Then we went out and trained 5 days in a row a full-day training, and I was 50% on the full-day. I’m still recovering from such an exhausting task, and I still have 2 presentations this week before I can finally take a breather. In any case, chapter 6 is complete, and Espaa had edited it, but I simply didn’t have a chance to put in the edits and re-read and clean it up. I might be able to update next week if I’m not too exhausted, otherwise I might have to wait until October….
Also, I didn’t even BEGIN chapter 7 yet. I’m not sure if I can update in time for October, or it might be pushed to November. Depending on how well my mind would be writing chapter 7, and it’s a more complex chapter so I might want to spend some time with it. In any case, my apologies for not updating yet, and thank you to all that are reviewing and watching my site. Please give me a little bit more time and I promise I’ll update soon! ^___^